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Be Aware Of What You Eat (video)

By Jenna Styles I have been struggling with weight for predominantly my whole life. It has been a huge struggle for me to reach MY IDEAL WEIGHT. Just recently I have really taken control of my diet. I had to go through my diet with a fine tooth comb. Now that I am in my mid 30's I have really become aware of
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what I eat. I had to cut out chicken because my body was not breaking it down well. It was really doing damage. I have had to do a lot of research on estrogen dominance. Estrogen Dominance is a condition in which the body is not ridding itself of the estrogen. The estrogen becomes dominant in the body and cause havoc. Watch Video Below

Stylist You Should Always Take A D...

The Health Benefits Of Cabbage

Turkey And Cheese Burrito (videos)

The Side Effects Of Metformin

Hill Harper: "i Woke Up And Couldn...

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