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Health Benefits Of Asparagus

The health benefits of asparagus include good cardiovascular health, healthy pregnancy, improved fertility, relief from pre-menstrual syndrome, and an improved bone health. It helps to treat cancer, diabetes, hangover, cataract, rheumatism, tuberculosis, depression, neurodegenerative diseases, and convulsions. It reduces urinary tract infections and blood cholesterol. It is also good for digestive health. Table of Contents What is Asparagus? Asparagus Nutrition Facts Health Benefits of Asparagus Maintains Homocysteine Level Helps in Pregnancy Fights PMS Improves Fertility Improves Digestion Fights Tumor Controls Diabetes Cures Hangovers Eye Care Treats Rheumatism Rich in Rutin Treats Tuberculosis Treats Neurodegenerative Diseases Relieves Depression Cures Epilepsy Treats Urinary Tract Infections Maintains Blood Cholesterol Level Culinary Uses of Asparagus Side Effects of Asparagus What is Asparagus? Asparagus, scientifically known as Asparagus officinalis, belongs to the family of lilies and is valued for its therapeutic properties. It is derived from a Greek word meaning 'sprout' and about 300 different species of this sprout exist all over the world. It is available in white, green, and purple colors. White asparagus is grown away from the sunlight and hence, is deficient of the green pigment, chlorophyll. The purple one is loaded with phytochemicals and anthocyanins which provide the unique color to the vegetable. The medicinal effect of this plant extends from its root to shoot and its usage has been tested and proven in scientific as well as indigenous systems of medicine like Siddha, Ayurveda, and Unani. Asparagus Nutrition Facts Asparagus is a great source of vitamins, minerals, and essential proteins. It is rich in vitamin A, vitamin B1 (thiamine), vitamin B2 (riboflavin), vitamin B3 (niacin), vitamin B5 (pantothenic acid), vitamin B6, folate, vitamin C, vitamin E (alpha-tocopherol), and vitamin K (phylloquinone). The mineral treasures that are stored in it include iron, calcium, phosphorous, magnesium, manganese, zinc, selenium, and potassium. Asparagus contains a very low amount of calories with no cholesterol and is low in sodium as well. Along with this, it is also a rich source of dietary fiber, which is essential for the body. Health Benefits of Asparagus Let us look at the various health benefits of asparagus in detail below. Maintains Homocysteine Level Asparagus is rich in B vitamins that help in maintaining healthy levels of homocysteine, which is produced in the blood when an amino acid (methionine) breaks down in the body. Vitamin B, especially folate, B6, and B12 play a key role in converting homocysteine into cysteine, which then gets converted back to methionine as per the normal methylation cycle. Also see 6 Effective Home Remedies of Leigh's Disease 14 Effective Home Remedies for Depression A deficiency of vitamin B in the body can elevate the levels of homocysteine and increase the risk of damage to blood vessels, venous thrombosis in which clotting of blood happens in the veins, atherosclerosis, and other cardiac disorders. In addition to this, vitamin B helps in maintaining healthy levels of blood sugar by ensuring proper metabolism of starches and sugars in the body. Helps in Pregnancy The high folate content in asparagus aids in reducing the danger of low birth weight and birth defects during pregnancy. Folate is essential for the growth of the fetus. It also helps in reducing the complication of edema or retention of water in the body tissues owing to its diuretic effect. Fights PMS An asparagus extract can be used effectively for easing pre-menstrual bloating. The presence of essential nutrients helps to combat depression and fatigue, as well as reduce menstrual cramps. It also helps in controlling blood loss and maintaining hormonal balance during menstruation. Improves Fertility The root of asparagus racemosus is widely appreciated in Ayurvedic therapy and is famously known as Shatavari, which means 'one who has 100 husbands'. Shatavari has aphrodisiac properties and is used to regulate the hormones and cure male and female sexual disorders. It has anti-anxiety properties and helps in curing physical and mental debility in males. It also helps in enhancing the libido and boosts sperm count and its motility. In females, asparagus has been proven to be effective in menopausal syndrome and anemia. Shatavari has been trusted as a galactagogue and is also valued for its effectiveness in improving the quality and quantity of the breast milk while boosting the appetite of nursing women. Research studies conducted on animals have demonstrated positive effects on the genitals and the mammary glands of the female subjects who consumed adequate amounts of asparagus. Improves Digestion Asparagus contains significant quantities of the nutrient inulin, which is a kind of complex carbohydrate, commonly known as prebiotic. It does not get digested until it reaches the large intestine, where it is fed upon by a kind of good bacteria like lactobacilli. Inulin aids in the improved absorption of nutrients and the reduced risk of stomach cancer and allergies. Also see 16 Best Home Remedies for Brain Diseases 7 Promising Benefits of Samphire It is also a good provider of dietary fiber and has laxative properties that help in the smooth functioning of the bowels, keeping bloating and constipation at bay. Along with healthy digestion, fiber also helps in lowering the cholesterol levels of the body. It is widely recommended in Ayurveda therapy for its effectiveness in curing diarrhea, dysentery, and dyspepsia, which is a feeling of abdominal uneasiness including burning sensations or navel pain occurring during or after eating. Studies have shown that asparagus racemosus has been proven to be as effective as the commercially available modern drugs in treating dyspepsia. Fights Tumor Asparagus racemosus, or wild asparagus, contains a certain variety of phytonutrients known as saponins. Studies have demonstrated that the saponins obtained from it possess anti-cancer and anti-inflammatory properties. Along with the chemo-preventive efficiency, it also helps in elevating the levels of glutathione, an antioxidant and detoxifying compound. It also helps in the prevention of many diseases like HIV, AIDS, cystic fibrosis, Alzheimer's disease, anemia, cancer, diabetes, and various cardiac disorders. Controls Diabetes The anti-inflammatory nutrients present in asparagus help in reducing the risk of chronic health ailments, including type 2 diabetes. This beneficial effect is also attributed to the presence of the mineral chromium,
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which plays a vital role in regulating the blood sugar levels of the body. Studies conducted in this regard have shown significant results and have proven that it helps in keeping a check on blood sugar levels, improves insulin secretion, and provides an anti-diabetic effect. Cures Hangovers Asparagus extract contains essential amino acids that may prove effective in curing hangovers. A hangover refers to the unpleasant physiological effect caused due to substantial consumption of alcoholic drinks. Its symptoms include anxiety, fatigue, and stomach disorders like nausea, vomiting, and dehydration. Research studies have demonstrated that the leaves and shoots of asparagus contain a good amount of inorganic mineral content, which also aids in the protection of the liver cells from the toxic effects of alcohol. Eye Care Asparagus is a good source of vitamin A, which is essential for healthy vision. Due to the presence of antioxidants, it helps in defending the retina from the damage caused by the oxygen-free radicals. The presence of the amino acid glutathione in it also helps in reducing the risk of eye ailments such as cataracts and night blindness. Treats Rheumatism Rheumatoid arthritis is a chronic condition that causes inflammation of the joints. Studies have shown that the consumption of folate-rich food like asparagus, which also possesses anti-inflammatory properties, may help to relieve the pain and ease the overall poor functioning in the body associated with arthritis. Rich in Rutin Asparagus is also a rich source of rutin, a flavonoid that possesses anti-inflammatory properties and is used to treat hemorrhoids and prevent clotting of blood. It enhances the permeability of capillaries, strengthens the blood vessels, and protects them from becoming fragile. Rutin also prevents the hardening of arteries by reducing the viscosity of blood and helps in easing hypertension, reducing cholesterol, and maintaining cardiovascular health. Treats Tuberculosis Asparagus racemosus is also known for its effectiveness in curing bronchitis and tuberculosis. It improves the functioning of lung tissues and helps in treating throat infections as well. Treats Neurodegenerative Diseases Studies have provided evidence that asparagus racemosus is effective in treating neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, and Huntington's diseases. These beneficial effects are attributed to the presence of phytoestrogens in it that have certain neuroprotective effects. Neurodegenerative diseases are genetic or periodic conditions affecting the neurons of the human brain and the body does not normally have the ability to replace the damaged neurons. Relieves Depression Scientific research has shown the efficacy of asparagus racemosus as an anti-anxiety and anti-depressant drug. It helps in enhancing the memory, increases the production, and secretion of estrogen, and has a revitalizing and calming effect on the nervous system. Cures Epilepsy Epilepsy is a chronic disorder that affects the brain and leads to recurrent convulsions or seizures. The brain transmits abnormal signals as a result of irreversible changes in the brain tissues. The roots of asparagus racemosus can be used as an anti-epileptic for curing the symptoms of epilepsy. Treats Urinary Tract Infections Research studies show that asparagus racemosus possess anti-urolithiatic effect, which helps to cure urinary tract infections. Due to the vegetable's diuretic properties, consumption of asparagus increases the frequency and volume of urination. This helps to detoxify and flush the toxic waste out of the body. According to research, the anti urolithiatic effect can be attributed to the presence of antioxidants and essential vitamins C and E. It is also known to give a peculiar, pungent smell to the urine, which is completely normal. This is because asparagus breaks down its constituents of ammonia and sulfur into volatile chemical compounds that actually help the body to detoxify. Maintains Blood Cholesterol Level Studies have supported the fact that the wealth of anti-oxidants in asparagus have the potential to treat oxidative stress, along with other disorders such as hyperlipidemia and hypercholesterolemia. These diseases indicate the presence of high fat and cholesterol content in the body, which can further pose a major threat for fatal conditions like cardiovascular diseases and atherosclerosis. Culinary Uses of Asparagus Asparagus has a delicate flavor and can be eaten raw, grilled or roasted. It can be added as an ingredient to pickles, salad recipes, and soups. The shoots of this plant are relished as an appetizer and are prepared in different ways around the world. It requires minimal cooking, which gave birth to a famous Roman saying, "As quick as cooking asparagus", for anything that has to be done quickly. Side Effects of Asparagus Asparagus is also referred as Rasayana herb in Ayurveda and offers an immense range of health benefits with a few exceptions or side effects, which are listed below. Gas: Asparagus contains a carbohydrate known as raffinose. In order to digest this complex sugar, the human body needs to ferment it. During this process of breaking down the carbohydrate, gas is often produced and subsequently released from the body. Pregnancy and Lactation: Asparagus alters the hormonal balance and has been traditionally used for birth control. During pregnancy and lactation, it is usually considered safe to consume a normal amount of asparagus, but not to opt for medicinal doses without consulting a doctor. Allergic Reactions: Asparagus can cause allergies to people who are susceptible to allergic reactions to onions, leeks, and other members of the lily family. Kidney Stones: Asparagus contains purines. Purines break down to create uric acid which can accumulate as a result of high purine content in the body. This is not favorable for people suffering from uric acid-related complications like gout or kidney stones. It is recommended to avoid or restrict the intake of purine dense foods like asparagus for patients with those conditions. Asparagus rejuvenates and acts as a tonic for the nerves. It is also useful in conditions like acne, jaundice, schistosomiasis, and leprosy. It strengthens the immune system and helps in promoting overall physical and mental well-being. Include this food in your diet and enjoy the benefits!

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